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Kiro has been a toxin-free and vegan brand since the get-go. We are now taking a step forward to becoming environmentally conscious and plastic-neutral by associating with ReCircle.

We recovered 4642 kg of plastic from the environment, which is equal to 132600 lipstick containers.

Together, we will make a difference.

How is Kiro creating an impact?

In Association with ReCircle’s Plastic Neutral Program is an effort to impact all aspects of the waste management sector. Environmentally, waste is being diverted from landfills & oceans. We are also a part of ReCircle’s social movement that supports the livelihoods of informal waste workers by buying low-valued, non-recyclable plastic from them.

Rest assured, with every order, we are recovering its equal weight and more. Put simply, we will recover 1kg plastic, for every order placed with us. Which equals to 333 lipstick containers.

What is the process?

Step One

Collection: Low-value, multi-layered packaging (MLP) plastic waste is collected from informal waste workers, landfills and dumping grounds, and waste generators like households, offices and institutions.

Step two

Pre-processing: This collected plastic is brought to a segregation facility to further sort and cleaned, if need be. Then, it is pre-processed by baling or shredding.

Step Three

Processing: The pre-processed plastic waste is dispatched for final processing to relevant processors. It is used as raw material for conversion to energy, road-making or other alternative applications like recycling.

Feel free to reach out to us If you would like to see our certification and traceability documents.

What is Plastic-Neutral?

Plastic neutrality implies that for every kg of plastic we sell, we retrieve and clean up the same amount of plastic waste from the environment. This leads to a net-zero plastic footprint for every purchase of our products.

Plastic Neutral equals Plastic free?

No. Plastic neutrality does not imply that we are plastic-free. It implies we are actively working to minimize our plastic footprint.

What can you do to make an Impact?

Waste is waste only if you treat it so. With ReCircle, it is a resource. Make your waste matter in the following steps :

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